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Parents – How to Prepare Yourself and the Kid for the First Day of School

Preschool daycare

The school’s first day is tough. Staying away from your kid for hours will be difficult. Further, you must know about the essentials that will be required at school. Being well prepared with it all is essential to guarantee both you and your kid have a great experience on the first day of school.

Some of the parents choose to go over the top for the preparations. However, it is not always essential that you purchase only luxurious items to provide all the convenience your kid has at home. The essential thing is to stay relaxed and guarantee your kid will be safe at school. Make sure you choose the right preschool. In addition to this, here are certain tips that will be helpful for you to prepare yourself and your kid for the first day. Check out the guide to get proper information.

Tips to prepare for the first day of school

Mentioned here are certain things you need to do before the first day

1. Visit

The preschool will be a new place for your kid. He won’t know anyone, so it will be better that you take out your time to visit the preschool at least once, preferably a few days before the start of the session, so that it stays fresh in his mind. The teachers there will welcome you properly and appreciate you helping them to know the kid and the family.

2. Make work and home balance

Once your kids start going to preschool, you will have to make a balance between your work and home life. For instance, you will have to eat breakfast fast so that you can drop your kid to the preschool. No matter what the new normal is, experiencing all of it on the first day can be quite hectic. So start practicing it at least a week in advance.

3. Keep things simple

Change, no doubt, can be quite hard as a family. You will have to work together so that you are able to adjust to your regular routine. Having your kid wake up on time and leave for school will be the focus but make sure you treat it well and make your kid comfortable.

4. Talk about the preschool with excitement

The child will get the first impression of the preschool right from you. So it is vital that you keep on speaking positively about it. This will help him get used to it right in advance so that when he visits the preschool on the first day, he has a positive point of view. You can consider showing him the videos from the Facebook page or  YouTube videos to help him know what he will experience on the first day. Speaking about the teachers and preschool will give a lasting impression.

5. Plan what to purchase

Once your kid starts going to preschool, he will require additional things. It is vital that you get him a bag that can include all the essentials like a diaper, extra clothes, a lunch box, etc. Having a clear idea about it all will allow you to make a purchase and guarantee your kid has a hassle-free experience on the first day.

6. Acknowledge it’s going to be hard

You might have prepared yourself that preschool is an essential part of a kid’s life, but you have to accept that this time is going to be tough for you, especially the first day when you will have to stay at home without your kid for such a long time. It will not only be tough for you but also for your kid as he will be in a completely different environment with new people. Adjustment, no doubt, will take time, so you have to be prepared for it.

Here are the things you need to do on the first day.

1. Speak positively to your child about the new school

While driving a kid to the preschool, it is vital that you talk to him positively about it. Make sure you talk about all the fun he can get to experience there. You must all talk about all the positive attributes of the preschool. Be it in terms of games, friends, or the environment over there, talking about the preschool will guarantee he does not have a hard time on the first day.

2. Leave quickly and confidently

No doubt your heart won’t allow you to leave your kid, but it is essential that you drop your kid immediately without crying or showing any emotions. Confidence herein is essential as it will give your child the courage to face the first day. No doubt there is a possibility that he might cry for you, but you need to understand things will get better until and unless he faces the first day on his own; it will be tough for him. So you must stay strong and encourage him to enjoy the experience happily.

3. The experience gets easier with time

Adjusting to a new environment, no doubt will require time. But experience will get better for you and your child. Once you both are adjusted to the new routine, it will be easier for you to drop your kid to school and easily carry on with your work and home lifestyle. The first few days might be tough to handle as your kid might cry, but once he makes friends over there and has a great time, the experience will be a lot better and more convenient.


Preparing for preschool will be a tough stage. You need to get in the mindset and also help your kid adjust to it. But as the essential thing is to choose the right preschool, you need to research well. If you wish the best for your kid, then you can consider sending him to KEEV Early Learning Center. They have got the best-experienced professionals who can take good care of him. They have got a great environment over there where the kid will have an easy time learning and enjoying himself.

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